Episode 4: Paying It Forward with Gail Nussbaum
The central theme of this podcast was all about making life better for others! A concept I can definitely get behind! Gail Nussbaum started out as an employee at Amgen working to help people with...
Episode 3: Restoring health and fitness with Jason Butler
Exercising while you're going through cancer treatments can be tricky. Some days you may feel so tired you just barely have enough energy to get from one room to another in your own home. As my wise...
Episode 2: Reignite your passion and get behind a cause with Dafna Michaelson Jenet
In her groundbreaking book, Radical Remission, author Kelly Turner identifies living a life of purpose as one of the nine attributes of cancer survivors who've had a "radical remission". In this...
Episode 1: Welcome to the Life Well-Lived Podcast!
Brene Brown said it best, FFTs (F***ing First Times) are never easy. But you have to get uncomfortable to create. In this first episode, I get real personal and share my story and the tools I used...